सिर्फ एक कॉल आपके जीवन के मुद्दों को हल कर सकता है

Dua For Husband

It is the duty of every wife to pray for the betterment and success of her husband. It is out of love, responsibility and compassion that she shares with her partner that she makes dua for her husband. Women also read dua for husband to love his wife only when they want to keep her loyal and faithful.
Do you want to protect your husband from worldly evils like evil acts, evil eye, black magic and negative enemy attacks? You should read dua for husband's health and safety. Dua will never let your husband get affected or harm him in any way.
Dua to protect my husband Islam is a strong Islamic prayer that helps to keep your husband safe and sound from all the seen and unseen problems of the world. This will never let your husband feel sad about anything.
If you are concerned about the well-being and well-being of your spouse, then you must make dua for the success of your husband. No matter, your husband owns a shop or business, Insha Allah, he will make great progress in his work. This dua will bring Barkat to his work and he will prosper with each passing day.
According to the Sunnahs and the Holy Quran it is certain that the husband is the most important person for his wife. It is certain that a wife is expected to obey and obey her husband. Actually, husband is heaven and hell for his wife.

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How to Perform Dua for Husband Love?

Here is how you should pray for husband's love-

  • ☛ Take a picture of your husband and keep it with you while praying for your husband. After offering Isha prayer, continue the process by reciting this dua-
  • Inner wajjahtu wajhiya lillazi fataraas samawati
  • ☛ You have to recite this dua for husband to love his wife only 101 times.
  • ☛ Surely, I am facing towards the one who created the Earth and the Heaven (Surah Al-An’am, Ayah 79)
  • ☛ Now, recite the first Kalma 45 times.
  • ☛ In the end, pray to Allah SWT and complete the process of making the correct dua for husband.
  • ☛ This dua will help you in growing affection in the heart of your husband for yourself.
  • The dua for husband's love has worked for many people. You might have tried many things to win your husband's heart but this dua for husband's love works like a miracle. To perform this Dua successfully, you need –

  • ☛ Offer all the prayers of the day with punctuality.
  • ☛ After praying Isha, you can go to sleep and wake up after some time for Namaz-e-Tahajjud.
  • ☛ Also, make sure that you are absolutely clean and in proper wudoo' to make dua for husband's love and care.
  • ☛ In this Dua you have to recite Surah Kasas verse 51 and Surah Duha at least 7 times.
  • ☛ Then start reciting Durood-e-Ibrahim ([21:51-69) 11 times.
  • ☛ Finally, recite Surah al-Hijr (15:11) ayat three times before making dua for husband's love.
  • ☛ Insha Allah, very soon your husband will love you and care about the way you feel.
  • Dua For Health and Long Life of Husband

    The role of wife is very important in the life of husband. Allah SWT accepts all the wishes that a wife can make for her husband with good intentions and a loving heart. Therefore, a wife should pray for the long life, health and success of her husband. To keep your husband happy, you must regularly practice the process of dua for husband's health and success.
    Dua for husband's health can help you to keep your partner safe and protect him from all kinds of diseases. Read dua for husband health daily and you will see that Insha Allah, all the problems of your husband will gradually go away.

    How to perform dua for your husband’s long life and health?

  • ☛ In the beginning, start with reciting Durood-e-shareef three times.
  • ☛ Now recite the dua
  • ☛ Now, make dua for husband’s health and complete the procedure by reciting Durood Shareef again thrice.
  • Dua For Husband Success In Business

    The dua for husband's success in business will take his business higher and higher with each passing year. However, make sure one thing that your husband should work for Halal works as per Islam. The dua for husband success in business will never work for him if he is involved in illegal activities. You can also consult our islamic scholar for surah or wazifa for husband success.
    So, don't hesitate to contact our maulvi sahib to get the most suitable dua for husband success. If your husband's business is in loss, then dua for husband's success in business is the best solution. Recite the dua and Insha Allah, in a few days, his business condition will improve.

    Surah For Husband Success

    Surah for husband health and success is given below:

    • ☛ Recite this surah for husband success after performing the namaz of Fajr 100 times.
    • ☛ Insha Allah, you will see that your husband’s health conditions will gradually improve.
    • ☛ It will make things better for him and will lessen his burden.

    To find out in what cases will the surah for husband will not be accepted, consult us. If you have any questions about the surah dua for husband health, you can contact our Maulana Ji.